Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Custom DBM

I've been catching up with all my older commissions as of late. The DBM Secret Base / Cure colab figure was a blast to do !

The Cure boogieman mask fits and looks perfect on the skullbrains bug head and body. I wish I could just buy the mask, a life sized mask would be KILLER, imagine that that !

Check it out :

All my experiments in paint and technique is working out for the better, I have it down and under control now ^_^

I think it looks best with certain areas de-stressed. I found that when you do the entire figure the technique gets lost.

1 comment:

bath towels walmart said...

The Cure boogieman mask fits and looks perfect on the skullbrains bug head and body. I wish I could just buy the mask, a life sized mask would be KILLER, imagine that that ! velvet bedsheet king size , mattress protector double ,