Saturday, March 21, 2009


Just got my box in from Kazu San. This is my first time holding this toy in hand, its much bigger than I had expected and I LOVE it. Just a great fun toy with so much personality. I love how the hands move so you can get all sorts of attack poses out of him.

Hopefully I will start these in about a week or 2. My plan is to release 5 a week for 4 weeks. The price will be $125.00 each Shipped in the USA, outside the US you will get an exact invoice for additional shipping. Altogether there will be 20 different 1 offs Lucha bears. These are in addition to the official run that Kazu will have his factory paint. So don't forget about him !

Once they are underway and I have a better plan I will let you know more.

Until then , ummmmm unpainted fresh sweeeeet vinyl ^_^

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